Since the start of the war in Ukraine, more than 8 million people have been forced to flee their homes. Among them, many young children, some of whom are fed breast milk.
Faced with this situation, Hope Europe for Ukraine in partnership with the Vendée Ukraine association has decided to distribute organic powdered milk to the bottles of Ukrainian civilian refugees.
A solidarity initiative
The Vendée Ukraine association has launched a collection of organic milk powder from French companies. Thanks to the generosity of the JUNEO company, it was able to collect more than 13 tons of milk, the equivalent of 3 million baby bottles.
Organic powdered milk is distributed in refugee reception centers. Orphanages, humanitarian associations and postal deliveries to large families in Ukraine, particularly in Poland.
Essential support
For Ukrainian families, organic milk powder is an essential help. It allows babies to benefit from a healthy and balanced diet, even in times of war.
A lasting commitment
Our association has been distributing this milk throughout Ukraine for a year and plans to continue its distribution of organic milk powder to Ukrainian refugees until the end of the war.
She calls for everyone to mobilize to support this solidarity initiative.
How to help?
You can help the Hope Europe association for Ukraine to continue its distribution of organic milk powder to Ukrainian refugees by making a donation to its secure online kitty in order to participate in the logistics of delivering this beautiful merchandise: hosted_button_id=T22A8XY3P3Y7L
Because this represents thousands of kilometers traveled every week by our volunteer conveyors who are on site in Ukraine.
Hope Europe for Ukraine